Assisted Living Facilities

Eden Garden C

2.7/5.00 - based on 3 reviews
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3/5.00 Published 7 years ago

"Decent place, caregiver change constant, overlooked needs."

The place is okay. My buddy likes being there and he enjoys the food. But I worry because there's always new male staff coming in and my buddy can't make a solid connection with any one of them. Another thing that kinda bothers me is that even though the staff work hard, they sometimes ignore what I say. Because my buddy can do a lot of stuff on his own, they wrongly think he doesn't need any help.

3/5.00 Published 7 years ago

"Decent, Clean Senior Home with Friendly Staff"

The workers were nice and the place was peaceful and neat. Most people were in the community room watching TV. Everything looked clean.

2/5.00 Published 4 years ago

"Assisted Living Facility Falls Short on Cleanliness and Safety"

I called beforehand, but the manager wasn't there due to an emergency. The housekeeper was alright. The place looked messy, with furniture scattered around randomly. The housekeeper didn't give me a tour of the rooms, bathrooms, or kitchen. The property is on a slight hill, which could be risky if someone accidentally went out the door.

Eden Garden C

23601 Canzonet St
Woodland Hills, CA - 91367



(818) 348-2308

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