Assisted Living Facilities

Shalom Elder Care

3.5/5.00 - based on 6 reviews
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0.5/5.00 Published 8 years ago

"Elderly Care Nightmare: Overmedication and Neglect at Shalom"

Shalom Elderly Care facility mistreated my family member. The owner, who uses the same psychiatrist for all her facilities, decided to put my mom on heavy duty medication typically used for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia "just in case". This resulted in her becoming disoriented, terribly restless, and even more confused than before. I had to move her out when I saw the harm it was causing. Thankfully, she's doing great in a new memory care community. Don't send your loved one here if you don't want them unfairly medicated and left forgotten in a wheelchair, facing a wall.

5/5.00 Published 9 years ago


5/5.00 Published 10 years ago

"Shalom Elder Care"

0.5/5.00 Published 8 years ago

"Overmedication Concerns at Shalom Elderly Care"

My family member stayed at Shalom Elderly Care's assisted living facility. They provided a psychiatrist to assess residents' needs. Without any justifiable reason, they recommended my mother to be on anti-psychotic drugs, typically prescribed for serious conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. This had her dazed and highly unsettled on most days. I didn't realize what was happening at first, but when I did, I quickly moved her to another memory care community—where she's doing much better now. My observation indicates that Shalom Elderly Care is more apt for those who don't mind their relatives being artificially sedated and idly placed in a wheelchair.

5/5.00 Published 9 years ago


5/5.00 Published 10 years ago


Shalom Elder Care

5900 Rudnick Ave
Woodland Hills, CA - 91367



(818) 884-0943

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