Assisted Living Facilities

Gordon Height Assisted Living Facility

1.7/5.00 - based on 3 reviews
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1/5.00 Published 9 years ago

"Not Ideal for Spanish-Speaking Mom, Despite Nice Location"

This place doesn't have any staff or folks living there who speak Spanish. It's not really the right spot for my mom. But, the surroundings are pretty good.

3/5.00 Published 2 years ago

"Assistance Limitations for Disabled Resident"

I talked to and they said they can't manage due to her disabilities.

1/5.00 Published 9 years ago

"No Spanish speakers at facility, though it's in a nice area"

There's nobody who speaks Spanish, either among the staff or residents. This place isn't really fitting for my mom. Although, its location is pretty pleasant.

Gordon Height Assisted Living Facility

9500 Northwest 80th Street
Tamarac, FL - 33321



(954) 721-4309

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