Assisted Living Facilities

Beachwood Commons

3.4/5.00 - based on 20 reviews
5 stars
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1 stars
5/5.00 Published 6 years ago

"A beautiful community"

5/5.00 Published 6 years ago

"Very Expensive"

5/5.00 Published 2 months ago


5/5.00 Published 2 months ago


2/5.00 Published 2 months ago

"Mixed feelings about assisted living, grateful for respite care option."

My mom is used to being with me at home and feels embarrassed by her incontinence. She mentioned everyone being nice, but she preferred staying in her room and wanted to come back home. My overall experience was okay because I felt reassured that she was being taken care of while we were away. Regarding meals, she didn't like the food there because she's used to my cooking. But she's a picky eater, so it's not really the facility's fault. She only stayed for 4 days and didn't join any activities. We had to pay for 14 days even though she stayed only 4, but that's because they only offered 14-day respite care, which was helpful for us during my son's wedding.

5/5.00 Published 7 months ago


5/5.00 Published 7 months ago


1/5.00 Published 10 months ago

"Neglected Care and Increased Prices at Assisted Living Facility"

The cost went up for services we needed. They don't do a good job with laundry, they just pile clothes on chairs. It's really disappointing. The carpet is filthy like the place is not kept clean. It doesn't feel safe or secure. Can you believe, one time, there was only a kid, a 5-year-old, at the front desk, letting people in the gate? You should check on your family frequently. They don't keep their promises here.

1/5.00 Published 1 year ago

"Disinterested Staff and Poor Management, Total Waste of Time"

Absolutely not! It is obvious to me that this place lacks dedicated staff and is swarmed with agency workers who don't seem to have much interest in the well-being of the residents. Even the management seems uninterested in addressing any of the problems. Trust me, you can find far better residences in the vicinity. Don't waste a second here!

4/5.00 Published 1 year ago


3/5.00 Published 2 years ago

"Mixed experiences with staff, overall dissatisfied."

I wouldn't choose this place. Lots of issues with staff.

3/5.00 Published 2 years ago

"Communication Issues at Assisted Living"

It looks like the staff here don’t always talk to each other well. When I ask the nurses or helpers questions, they sometimes get annoyed. The talk with the top boss was good the first time. Right now, I wouldn’t tell others to come here because of the problems we faced.

4/5.00 Published 2 years ago


5/5.00 Published 3 years ago


2/5.00 Published 3 years ago

"Disappointed with Beachwood Commons, Lacked Proper Care"

I wasn't pleased with Beachwood Commons and I wouldn't suggest it to others. The staff didn't communicate well. They didn't call us back or answer our questions. They didn't handle any care that was different from usual. There were too many staff changes. We decided to leave. The helpers were kind and caring, but they didn't seem to have the training for the type of care we needed.

1/5.00 Published 4 years ago

"Terrible Experience, Facility Fails to Meet Expectations"

The moment we showed up, things got messed up. We kept trying for one and a half years, hoping the company and workers would improve. They kept making mistakes - from forgetting to give medicine, to not taking care of safety issues, to having improper chats, and not giving enough information or saying wrong things. It was just one letdown after another. Caring for people with needs is tough - like my family member - but this place needs to try harder to be good as it looks.

2.5/5.00 Published 5 years ago

"Assisted Living Review"

Certainly! Here's a revised version of the review in simpler language: "At first, this place seemed great, and it was cheaper than other programs in the area by about $1000. But over time, we encountered problems. They don't communicate well, neglect cleaning my dad's apartment, and lose his clothes during laundry. They were supposed to follow his diet, but they don't enforce it strictly. When I request transportation for his appointments, they often claim they didn't know. It feels like I'm doing things they should be handling. While they've helped us in the past, recently, the quality has declined." (#search_web(query="2.5 star review of an assisted living facilities")). Source: Conversation with Bing, 5/7/2024 (1) Quality of Life in Assisted Living Homes - Oxford Academic. (2) The 10 Best Assisted Living Facilities in Buffalo, NY for 2024. (3) The 10 Best Assisted Living Facilities in Lincoln, NE for 2024. (4) The 10 Best Assisted Living Facilities in Williamsburg, VA for 2024. (5) Blueprint for Developing Assisted Living - Saw Swee Hock School of .... (6) undefined. (7)

4/5.00 Published 5 years ago


5/5.00 Published 5 years ago


0.5/5.00 Published 5 years ago

"Dire Review: Unpleasant Experience at Beachwood Assisted Living"

Really don't recommend sending your mom here if you want caring staff. The directors are awful; you always have to hunt them down when any issues come up. They're often rude and avoid any confrontation. Over the years, I've had experience with a lot of nursing homes. Never before have I seen a top staff more focused on getting new members than properly looking after the ones already there. Contacting family is weak and definitely not prompt. Watch out... there are far better places in Beachwood.

Beachwood Commons

3995 S Green Rd
Beachwood, OH - 44122



(216) 295-1700

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